John Joyce


John Joyce is a native of Tuam. John graduated with his degree from UCG in 1983. In 1987 he established Joyce Insurances & Auctioneers (Tuam) Ltd and the company has gone from strength to strength from then. On the 01st May 2017 John engaged a franchise with DNG for Tuam and the surrounding areas. With over 30 years’ experience as a valuer and auctioneer John brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the local property market. As a member of the Institute of Professional Auctioneers and Valuers in Ireland (MIPAV) John is also a Blue Book Qualified  TEGOVA Valuer. He enjoys membership of the valuers panel for AIB Bank, Bank of Ireland, EBS, Haven Mortgage, KBC Bank, Seniors Money Ireland, Start Mortgages, Ulster Bank, WYSE Properties as well as probate valuation, fair deal valuations, disputes and independent valuations.

John Joyce - DNG Estate Agents

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